Sunday, January 29, 2012

discovering salamanca

this week i was in salamanca and still cant believe i get to live here. it was my last week of class so that was nice, i got all A's and a certificate. they are big here on certificates its really entertaining you get one for everything you do. 

something very interesting happened this week while me and a couple friends were walking home from class. we were walking our usual route ready for lunch (still not used to the stupid times of meals here) when we came to a huge crowd of people. so we walked up and saw a bunch of fire trucks and then looked up and saw firefighters on top of the cathedral. since in spain no one ever really has to be anywhere they were all just hanging out so we decided to practice our spanish and ask what was going on. luckily we got this nice lady to tell us that there was a young chica who drank alot and climbed to the top of the cathedral, took her pants of and her shirt and continued to run on top of the cathedral dancing and singing. umm what? we hung out for a while to see if the firefighters would ever get her down but she was sitting not budging and threatening to jump if they grabbed her. finally our hunger took over so we left and i still dont really know what happened. 

(This is the cathedral and if you look really close up at the top you can see the men. she probably shouldnt have picked such a historical building to climb up but im sure her brain wasnt really all there)

we made a great accomplishment this week (when i say we i usually mean me, liz and blakely...liz is my roommate and blakely is my other pretty much roommate the only thing she doesnt do in our room is sleep at night) we have always been away from the spaniards that live in our residency, they dont talk to us so we dont talk to them. however...blakely had a crush on one of them....finally talked to him and now we are all friends. its great because now there is no awkward tension during meal times. 

one last thing. church is great. there is a way cute missionary from texas that translates for me and helps me remember america. hahah. but im kind of nervous because people keep asking me if i would like to come to their house for dinner or something and i say yes and then remember i can barely understand what they say half the time. so this will be interesting. 

mom-i miss your cooking. dad-your texts make my day i love you. peter-please update me on your girl situation. patrick-stay cute. patsy-TALK TO ME! preston-i love you get out to utah again soon haha

thats all for now. xoxo

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