Wednesday, January 25, 2012


well... i went to geneva last weekend and am deciding i should probably put this all down before i forget. it was such a beautiful place i loved it. we went friday morning the journey wasnt very eventful except for the fact that you know swiss chocolate is the best since swiss air had some of the best chocolate i have ever tasted. so anyways we get to geneva and its pouring, but its okay because i have my lovely yellow rain coat. so we just walked around the city close to the lake and just took in the scenery. then we went to the hostel put all our stuff down and then ventured to the other side of the fun. we walked, shopped, took in the scenery had lots of fun. then i kind of just had a freak out wishing i was with my i decided i would go get a great dinner (thanks dad). 

the next morning we went on a heck of a journey to go skiing. we had to take a bunch of trains and buses and im really still not quite certain where we were. but it was BEAUTIFUL. when we finally made it to where we got on a gondola to go to the mountain i was stoked. then the real fun started...we get to the top its snowing like crazy (i have no goggles) and it is so foggy. but its fine. then i get to the chairlift fall doing the splits because the stupid track thing made my skis go in opposite ways..then i get up a little and the chairlift stops because i didnt put my bar down..whoops. 

when i finally got to the top and started skiin it was great. there was so much snow and the mountains were gorgeous. it was an amazing experience and im so glad i got to go.

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