Sunday, February 12, 2012

the past two weeks.

well its been a while. 

lets start with the fact that im completely in love with Florence its by far my new favor city. i love it. i got there friday after an awful experience with the trains. we went walking around the city and then had the best pasta for dinner i was so excited. Saturday we got up and went to a museum  with this lady who was an art history teacher so she took s around and explained everything. i finally now have a true appreciation for art. probably because of the birth of Venus. it is one of the most beautiful things i have seen and im obsessed. i now know why patsy is so in love. then we went to lunch at her hose and actually got vegetables in or salad. instead of some iceberg lettuce. mmm. then we walked around and had a great evening with gelato and yummy pizza. Sunday we saw the david...absolutely amazing. i walked in and i stopped and stared for probably five minutes. the fact that someone could do that is beyond me. so well im in love and ready to go back. any takers?

the week was not very eventful except for the america party i went to with some friends. 

this weekend we went to seville. i told my dad after i went during high school that its the place i want to have a villa someday. its gorgeous and i love it. the architecture is amazing and its all surrounded around a river so insanely gorgeous. and WARM we loved the sun except my legs haven't seen it for way to long...i dont think i have ever been this pale. oh and i pretty much broke my tailbone falling in a little canal thing in the ground at the 3rd biggest cathedral in the world...its fine. i cant move or laugh or sit comfortably. whoops. 

its valentines day this Tuesday... and i dont really like this holiday. especially since im not home where my dad always seems to make my day, with a teddy bear or roses or something.  however, im excited because we are all gonna go to dinner and hang ot at the plaza. not to shabby. 

i pretty much am in love with this place and wold like to live here again someday. thats all for now. 

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