Friday, January 13, 2012

las noches

nights in salamanca are the best. walking around is amazing because your walking around a school started in 1200. the buildings are made of stone and beautiful (plus they have a law against building buildings higher than the cathedral so you can always see it). i love walking around here because you always discover something new. 

the Plaza Mayor. by far one of the most gorgeous buildings i have ever seen. at night its lit up and you can go sit at a cafe and just enjoy the evening talking and experiencing spanish culture. i'm lucky because the plaza in Salamanca is by far the most beautiful and one of the main reasons i chose to come back here. 

one last thing... i wish i could dress the way they do here in the states. all the men including young to old have such suave style and wear the coolest shoes and jackets. the women are such fashionistas. EVERYONE and their mom (literally) wear fur coats and always look so put together. i love it.

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