Tuesday, March 27, 2012

milan y verona

Ohhh italy. it Just never fails me.... maybe a little this time. only because milan was a little lame. i mean its italy so its not lame it was only shopping and then this gorgeous Duomo. i wanted a little more history and great people. there simply wasnt. however they do know how to make gelato. in fact its probably the best i have ever had. and i feel like i can be a pretty good Judge because i have had my fair share of it. so anyways they fill the cone with chocolate and then put yoir gelato on top. absoltely amazing. especially since whenever i eat ice cream i always get to the bottom of the cone and am disappointed to find it empty. this makes it certain that will never happen again. oh food wise though, amazing i had apple ravioli with a walnyt sace, patsy find a recipe its great. 

however, verona is a whole other story. im OBSESSED. like honestly Blakely and i are really confused why its not our home, like why do we not live there. there is a beautiful hill over the river and we are determined that our houses are some where up there. we got there on train took this bus that we didnt know how to pay for...so we didnt whoops. and came upon this gorgeous piazza shown in the pic below where we ate an amazing lynch mmm. then we walked around saw all the amazing sights they had. like the house of Juliet. oh how clever those italians are. pretend it was really where she was, have her balcony and even a tomb. dont get me wrong it was a very romantic city and lovely but really people, im sorry that Juliet was not a real person...then we walked along the river and into this other part of town where we saw all these little italian families waiting in line. of corse it was gelato and if all the italians are waiting in line it had to be good, so of course we proceeded to wait as well. and it was a good choice, great gelato and such a great feeling we got because they were all so friendly and all knew each other. i simply love that city and really really want to go back. any day. anytime. im there. 

oh and one last side note. i have never been so absolutely obsessed with a child as i was on my flight back to madrid. the MOST beautiful little girl i have ever seen in my entire life. she had curly hair and was from colombia (a little child speaking spanish only makes them cuter). anyways she was worth the side note. 

off to Morocco this weekend, camel riding and a great time expected. what is this life i live?

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