Sunday, May 13, 2012

Moms. Is there honestly anything better? 
I honestly can't think of anything, especially mine-She is the craziest, funniest, most loving, most caring person in the entire world. this is her last year mothers day. isnt she beautiful? 

The year I graduated from high school I gave a talk in church on mothers day with all the other seniors so I decided to look back at it. I opened with story of Christ and the footprints (short summary, a man wonders why at the hardest times in life there are only one set and Christ tells him that is when he carried him) and then talk about how much I love her and how she is my best friend. 

Nothing has changed. 
Except that my love for her has grown even more, if that is even possible. 

Some of my earliest memories of her- the year she got in a crash for Christmas, and then raked rocks, put milk in the cabinet haha. Then when you broke your knee and dad has his surgery and you would roll around the house on your chair still continuing to make dinner, clean and everything. Not making us watch the great documentaries greggy decided to get us that one summer in pc. Going to ice skating during the Olympics and me getting my goose egg on my head. Her giving me crap for all the funny things I used to say wrong...he got ashed, wanting spuds as earings etc.... 

High school- four of my most miserable and amazing years and she was there every single day. When I was miserable at Xavier and you didn't care what dad said you finally realized I would be happier at dv and you took me out and helped me figure everything out. I loved you so much for that, I still remember driving to dads office to go tell him and you just always having my back no matter what. I remember all the days when you would "force me" to stay home because you wanted a friend to hang out with. The night I took the car out when I was 15 and you simply told me you were too tired to get mad (dad-did you know that?) hahaha. The countless days you made me the best lunches, breakfast. My favorite memories are coming home from school and sitting with you talking about school or life just everything and you would let me cry or laugh and always just have something to say. The day of graduation when you gave me my ring because I was so sad about not wearing my other ones anymore. I know it's so stupid but you have no idea how happy that made me and still does to this day. 

(this is her in london, this is for the women who took over for their husbands during the war...things would not have worked out if they hadnt been there. just like how my life would be a mess without her)

You are the most kind hearted person that I honestly think exists. You always think the best of people no matter what they could have done. You love all my friends and welcome them into our family with open arms. You just love everyone and care for them wanting everyone to be happy. 
Your also one of the strongest people I know. You put up with dad (love you dad) even when he is a big stinker. And you have raised all five of us kids. We have all been rude and annoying and stupid at countless times, but you never give up. You have the hardest job and you are the very best at it. I love you and rely on you more than you will ever know. 

You are one of my very best friends and always will be. I can wait to see you in two weeks I hope you have an amazing day and I hope dad cooks you something great. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. This is so incredible! I think you might have exaggerated a bit but I will pretend it's all true!

    Thank You!
    I love you to the sky!
